Questions and Answers 1st Call
Q.1 Should the budget be in Euro?
A. 1 Yes, the budget should be only in Euro.
Q.2 Budget for Lot 3- Scale-up stage: Kindly clarify the sentence “The total grant amount may not exceed 70% of the total value of the budget for the implementation of the business idea for which the grant is awarded”. Is it only the Challenge Fund grant contribution or together with the financing of the applicant?
A. 2 For Lot 3: Scale-up stage the total grant amount may not exceed 70% of the total value of the budget for the implementation of the business idea for which the grant is awarded. The sentence means that the total amount of the Challenge Fund grant for LOT 3 should not exceed 70% of the total budget, while the other 30% of the total budget should be the financing of the applicant.
For example: If the total budget proposed for the implementation of the business proposal under LOT 3 is 42 000 Euro, the Challenge Fund grant to be requested should not exceed 29 400 Euro (equal to 70% and not higher than 30,000 Euro, the maximum grant awarded from the Challenge fund for LOT 3), and the applicant contribution should not be lower than 12 600 Euro (equal to 30%).
Q.3 In the Cash Flow Year 2024 table, we cannot start and complete it in January because the selection of winners has not been completed until then, and if we do it in April, for example, the year is not complete. How should we do it?
A. 3 The Cash Flow for the year 2024 should be completed with data regarding the current business activity of your start-up for LOT 2 and LOT 3. Meanwhile, the row of the cashflow “Income from Challenge Fund” for the months prior to the start of the implementation period of the business proposal should be completed with 0.
For LOT 1, the cashflow for the months prior to the start of the implementation period of the business proposal may be completed with 0.
Q.4 Should the powerpoint presentation be uploaded for LOT 3?
A.4 Kindly refer to the Guideline for Applicants document, Section 11, point 6 “List of annexes”, which states the following: “The Power Point Presentation form for the Pitching Event is to be completed and uploaded in the online platform by applicants that will be selected for Stage 3 of the evaluation process: Pitching event, upon request by the Contracting Authority”. Thus, in the application phase, this document is not required.
Q.5 30% of the co-financing can be all in kind or cash?
A.5 The co-financing could be either in kind or cash or both.
Q.6 I'm a farmer located in Divjake Albania, I'm writing to ask for information, on whether we farmers are eligible to participate in challenge funds for grants to support our agriculture farm to grow. We want to participate in lot 1, we are registered as farmers.
A.6 In order to apply for LOT 1 it is not mandatory the registration in QKB. However, once the applicant is awarded under LOT 1, it is a requirement to be registered as a business entity (MSME), in one of the registration types listed in the application form, before signing of the grant contract. For Lot 2 and Lot 3 the registration in QKB is required.
Q.7 In the criteria, you stated that the individual "must not have performed registered activity for more than 5 years from the date of publication of this Call for Proposals". Is this criterion for individuals who have suspended their activity?
A.7 The criteria “must not have performed registered activity for more than 5 years from the date of publication of this Call for Proposals” means that the business entity should operate for not more than 5 years from the date of publication of this Call for Proposals to be eligible to apply. Independently of whether the business activity has been suspended or not, if you have registered for more than 5 years from the date of publication of this Call for Proposals (17 November 2023), you are not eligible to apply. The 5-year period will be calculated from the date of registration in QKB, as stated in the registration act, to the date of publication of the Call for Proposals.
Q.8 I am currently on maternity leave, this is definitely shown in my insurance, does this penalize me for applying or can I apply normally?
A.8 Being on maternity leave does not penalize you for applying to the Call for Proposals.
Q. 9 Can businesses from Tirana apply to the Challenge Fund program?
A.9 Yes business entities from Tirana can apply to the Challenge Fund.
Q. 10 Before we send our proposal, I would like to inform you that our company was registered on 01.02.2021 and stayed active up to 24.06.2021. This summer we decided to reactivate our company, so on 04.10.2023 it was made reactive. Based on your guidelines, can we apply for “LOT 3” or should we apply for “LOT 2”?
A.10 You should apply under LOT 3. The period will be calculated from the date of your registration in QKB, as stated in the registration act, to the date of publication of the Call for Proposals.
Q. 11 We are a company operating in Albania from 2021 (2 year now). As of now we have worked on the consulting business, in the fields of Big Data and AI. We now want to start developing our own product, again in this field, targeted towards green energy production (solar farms). I am not sure which Lot is relevant for us. Is it 1 or 3?
A. 11 Based on your operating period of 2 years, you are eligible under LOT3. However, it is in the applicant’s decision whether to apply under LOT 3 as a registered business entity, or under LOT 1 as an unregistered business entity having an innovative idea, which should be registered prior to the signature of the grant contract.
Q. 12 For the new product, do I need to create another NIPT (NUIS), or can it be under the current NUIS?
A.12 The new product should contribute to the growth or scale up of current activity of your business, if you decide to apply with the current NIPT. However, it is in the applicant’s decision whether to apply with the current NIPT, or under LOT 1 as an unregistered business entity having a new innovative product/idea, which should be registered prior to the signature of the grant contract.
Q.13 We will dedicate part of the team to develop this product. However, the salaries might exceed the 30% of the budget. Can we finance the rest from the company?
A.13 The salaries should not exceed 30% of the total budget of your business proposal (challenge fund + own contribution).
Q.14 For the implementation of the project we need to purchase some specific equipment (weather stations). Are they eligible for this grant?
A.14 Yes, the purchase of equipment is eligible under the grant and should be included under the “Implementation costs” category of expenses.
Q.15 For the application, do I need to use the power point templates provided, or can I use different templates?
A.15 In the application phase, the Powerpoint presentation form is not required. Kindly refer to the Guideline for Applicants document, Section 11, point 6 “List of annexes”, which states the following: “The PowerPoint Presentation form for the Pitching Event is to be completed and uploaded in the online platform by applicants that will be selected for Stage 3 of the evaluation process: Pitching event, upon request by the Contracting Authority”.
Q.16 Can Sole Trader (Person Fizik) apply under LOT 2 and LOT 3?
A. 16 Yes, Sole Trader (Person Fizik) can apply under LOT 2 and LOT 3 if they fulfill the eligibility criteria published in the Guideline for Applicants document.
Q. 17 In the application form Under LOT 1, 'Registration type', it is required to select the type of registration of the start-up. Which option should be chosen since the business is not yet registered?
A. 17 In the application form Under LOT 1, ‘Registration type’, it is required to select the type of registration that you plan to register your start-up if awarded a grant from the Challenge Fund.
Q. 18 Is VAT considered as part of the co-financing?
A. 18 No, VAT is not considered as part of the co-financing.
Q. 19 How is the disbursement of funds done, in how many installments and what is the deadline?
A. 19 There will be an initial pre-financing disbursed after the grant contract is signed, interim payments that will be disbursed after the approval of the interim and financial reports and a final payment of at least 10% of the total budget of the grant contract after the approval of the final reports.
Q. 20 In case fixed assets are provided as part of the co-financing, what documentation is required for their verification?
A. 20 In case fixed assets are provided as part of the co-financing, the documentation depends on the type of the assets and should show the value of the fixed asset which should correspond to the value included in the budget. As an example, in case office rent is provided as part of the co-financing, you should provide the rent contract; in case the land is provided as part of the co-financing, you should provide the documentation showing the property acquisition/ownership along with the value of the land, etc.
Q. 21 Are companies registered in Kosovo, but which also operate in Albania in ONLINE form eligible to apply?
A. 21 No, companies registered in Kosovo are not eligible to apply. To be eligible to apply, businesses should be registered in Albania.
Q. 22 Can you be clearer about the declaration on honor?
A. 22 According to the Guidelines for Applicant document, the declaration on honor should be completed, signed, and uploaded in scanned PDF format ONLY by applicants that will be selected for Stage 2 of the evaluation process, upon request by the Contracting Authority. Thus, more information on the declaration on honor will be provided to applicants that will be selected for Stage 2 of the evaluation process.
Q. 23 Under Lot 1, how can we complete the social media accounts together with the website at the moment we are in phase 1 and they have not yet been developed?
A. 23 The social media accounts are not mandatory fields to be completed under the 3 LOTs. You should state N/A in case there is no social media account or website developed.
Q. 24 Regarding the budget, everything in financial form should be set without including VAT, so net not gross? Including salaries or rent of business premises?
A. 24 According to the Guideline for Applicants document, VAT is a non-eligible cost, thus the budget should be VAT excluded. In the case of salaries, they are not subject to VAT, and they should be included as gross amount. In case business premises rent is subject to VAT, the cost should be included net, excluding VAT.
Q. 25 For the amount that will be given as a grant, for LOT 1, how much of the amount will be financial support and how much will be other support?
A. 25 The maximum amount of the grant under LOT 1, is EUR 10,000. In addition, in case the applicant is selected as a winner, training/mentoring/coaching support will be provided to the awarded applicant, depending on the specific needs of the business.
Q. 26 How are customs costs (import duties) covered when purchasing items abroad?
A. 26 As per Guideline for Applicants document, custom duties are non-eligible costs.
Q. 27 Regarding existing businesses, can those companies that have been in the market for more than 5 years apply for a grant under this call, related to innovative services or products that they offer or services/products that are in the development process?
A. 27 No, businesses having more than 5 years from the date of registration in QKB to the date of publication of the Call for Proposals are not eligible to apply for a grant under this call.
Q. 28 In the budget format, should we complete the economic data of the applying project only or also for other economic activities that the applying subject has?
A. 28 For registered business entities applying under LOT 2 and LOT 3 the budget format should be completed with the financial data from the current business activity. While the financial data concerning the Challenge Fund project should be completed from foreseen starting month of the grant contract implementation.
Q. 29 For LOT 1, after how many months should the company (or legal entity) be registered in the QKB?
A.29 Under LOT 1, the registration should take place when selected as a winner and prior to the signature of the grant contract.
Q.30 If the idea is a social business, can a foundation be accepted as a legal entity for the Challenge Fund?
A.30 A foundation and other types of NGOs (Associations and centers) are not eligible to apply under the Challenge Fund. Only individuals and business entities which fulfill the eligibility criteria defined in the Guidelines for Applicants document can apply to the Challenge Fund.
Q.31 Are local and national taxes, together with social security contributions, considered as co-financing?
A. 31 Referring to the Section 4.3.3 Eligible costs point e) of the Guidelines for Applicants “All costs added in the budget section of the Financial Form must fulfil all of the following criteria: they comply with the requirements of applicable tax and social security legislation.” All listed eligible costs under this section could be considered as co-financing.
Q.32 The document requested by the Prosecution and the Court, with the new judicial division, must be taken to the new regional institutions?
A.32 The document requested by the Prosecution and the Court should be taken near the Prosecution and Court division where you reside.
Q.33 Can we apply with more than one NIPT if there are two innovative solutions?
A. 33 Yes, you can apply with more than one NIPT if you have two different innovative solutions/ideas.
Q.34 Can the grant be used for growth purposes outside Albania?
A. 34 Yes, the grant can be used for growth purposes outside Albania.
Q.35 Are expenses made abroad recognized? For example, study visit? Also, can the costs of international experts be covered, given that there are none in Albania?
A.35 Expenses made abroad, and costs of international experts are eligible as long as they are directly linked with the implementation of the business proposal and are properly justified.
Q.36 Should the estimated budget be for one year?
A. 36 The estimated budget (Sheet 1) should be in accordance with the duration of the business proposal.
Q.37 Is it possible to finance professional training certified by the Ministry of competence to increase employment?
A. 37 Yes, it is possible to finance professional training certified by the Ministry of competence to increase employment as long as they are directly linked with the implementation of the business proposal and are properly justified.
Q.38 What kind of document is necessary to provide as Statement Profit Loss Account? Is it sufficient the Balance Sheet?
A. 38 As stated in the Guideline for Applicants document, you need to provide the Last Financial statements (Profit Loss Accounts and Balance Sheet), certified copies by Tax Authority issued within one month from the application date.
Q.39 Our company is registered in Czech Republic. I am also Czech nationality, but me as a person, I am registered to QKB in Albania, and I have a NIPT. Should we set a daughter company in Albania to be able to apply for your funding? Or could me as a person apply for it? We are already operating in Albania - buying and exporting products to Czech, but under name of Czech entity. From mentioned above I think that we should apply for LOT 2 - Growth stage, do you agree?
A. 39 Please refer to 3.1 Eligibility criteria of the Guideline for Applicants and Section 2. What is the “Challenge Fund’’?
Q.40 I registered in the National Business Center (QKB) on 22/12/2022. According to Albanian law for small businesses, I am only required to submit the annual tax return, excluding the Profit Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets. Would it be acceptable to submit the annual tax return instead of the "Last Financial Statements (Profit Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets). Certified copies by Tax Authority issued within one month from the application date (if registered in 2022)" as mentioned in the requirements?
A. 40 As a small business you should submit the format of statement as required by the Tax Authority.
Q.41 I wanted to know if this call supports young people in rural areas, in the field of agritourism, and what makes such a project a winner, that is, what do you value most in a project writing to get the points to be a winner.
A. 41 The Challenge Fund is open to start-ups created around innovative business concepts, registered or to be registered and operating in Albania. A start-up within any sector is eligible to apply to the Challenge Fund. For more information on the evaluation criteria, please refer to the Guideline for Applicants document, section 3. Who can apply?.
Q.42 What is the difference between No. of Clients and No. of Orders at Key Metrics? Can I put for instance: 280 clients and at the same time they will make 280 orders? Or is it target No of Clients for all cities that we target our clients?
A. 42 The number of clients refers to the total count of customers or entities engaged with the business, and the number of orders represents the total quantity of transactions or purchases made by those clients. Depending on the business proposal, the number of clients and the number of orders could be both the same or different.
Q.43 At Budget section, the Team Leader (the owner and founder of the business) has his office as a personal asset. He already pays the rent, electricity from his personal income. Is this counted as a 100% in kind contribution from the owner's personal assets?
A. 43 Rent and electricity, are considered eligible costs and may be counted as a 100% own contribution of the applicant.
Q.44 In our budget calculation we have: The amount of co-funding by the applicant (Eur) 21 080 euro /cash and in kind. The required amount of co-funding by Sida (Eur) 20 000 euro. Is this division of funds OK?
A. 44 The amount of grant to be requested from Challenge Fund and co-financing by applicants should be in line with the maximum grant amount allowed according to the LOTs. For specific amounts and % of co-financings, please refer to the Guidelines for Applicants, Section 4: The grant amount.
Q.45 I am writing to request information regarding the conditions and criteria for applying to the Challenge Fund Call for Proposal. Also, details on the application form would be helpful for us. In our budget calculation we have: The amount of co-funding by the applicant (Eur) 21 080 euro /cash and in kind. The required amount of co-funding by Sida (Eur) 20 000 euro. Is this division of funds OK?
A.45 For detailed information on the Challenge Fund 1st Call for Proposals, kindly refer to the Guidelines for Applicants documents and related annexes and documentation published on the Challenge Fund website through the link:
Q.46 I am the founder of the company owning 51% and also the administrator, meanwhile 49% is owned by my spouse. Regarding the documentation from the court and the prosecution, should I submit only the documentation on my name or both myself and the spouse?
A. 46 The documentation from the court and the prosecution should be submitted to the administrator of the start-up.
Q.47 My Nuis was established on 15.05.2017, but I have 1 year and some months of maternity leave in 2017 and 2019. So, does it count as 5 years or 4 years? Please let me know, so that I know to which lot I apply.
A. 47 In order to be eligible to apply for Lot 2 and Lot 3, you should be registered in QKB for less than 5 years from the date of publication of this Call for Proposals. The 5-year period will be calculated from the date of registration in QKB, as stated in the registration act, to the date of publication of the Call for Proposals.
Q.48 I have a question related to point 4.2 Cost-Sharing of the Guidelines for Applicants document: To prove that the applicant will cover the minimum % of total requested funds, is there any document needed to prove this in the application phase?
A.48 No documentation to prove the minimum % of co-financing is requested at this phase of the application process. Nevertheless, if the applicant successfully passes Stage 1 of the evaluation process, supporting documentation to prove the co-financing will be requested.
Q.49 I have the NUIS since 08/06/2022 (so 18 months now). The Balance Sheet report for 2022 would be 0 because no invoices have been created. Official operation for the company has started in September 2022. Which LOT would the company be eligible for?
A.49 You are eligible to apply under LOT 3: Scale-up stage start-ups – maximum 30 000 EUR (a registered business entity within the first 13 month and 5 years of operation from the official registration of the business entity at the QKB to the date of publishing of the Call for Proposals).
Q.50 With regards to the documents issued by the court and prosecution office, can you please clarify which document should be obtained from e-albania?
A.50 Both documents should be submitted in original, obtained physically from the Court and the Prosecution scanned as PDF, as stated in the Guidelines for Applicants.
Q.51 If one of the founders is registered as a sole trader (person fizik) in QKB, is he considered for Lot 2 and if not, can he apply for Lot 1, given that he still has a NIPT.
A.51 All registered business entities may apply under LOT 2 or LOT 3. Registration in QKB should be less than 5 years from the date of publication of this Call for Proposals. The 5-year period will be calculated from the date of registration in QKB, as stated in the registration act, to the date of publication of the Call for Proposals.
Registered business entities in QKB are not eligible to apply under LOT 1.
Q.52 Are office rent costs and work environment costs (not office costs) considered eligible?
A.52 According to the Guideline for Applicants, they are considered eligible costs, as long as they are directly linked with the implementation of the business proposal and are properly justified.
Q.53 How much time will we have between the announcement of the winners for lot 1 and potentially the submission of the legal documents for registration in the QKB before signing the contract?
A.53 An indicative timetable is published in the Guideline for Applicants document. However, all successful applicants will be provided with further instructions in later phases of the process.
Q.54 Does the final evaluation process also include the presentation before the jury?
A.54 The final step of the evaluation process includes the presentation of the business proposal in front of a jury panel, the Pitching Event.
Q.55 Considering that the purpose of the project is to launch the start-up in the international market, is it considered a disadvantage if the start-up has the Albanian-speaking market as its main market, Kosovo and North Macedonia, beyond Albania?
A.55 As per the Guidelines for Applicants, the start-up should be or will be registered as a business entity (according to the Lot) – MSME and operate in Albania. In addition, start-ups with the potential to grow beyond Albania are highly encouraged to apply.
Q.56 If a business has been registered in QKB for more than 12 months, but it has been less than 12 months since it started its activity, can this business apply for Lot 2?
A.56 Business entities registered (MSME) within the first 13 months to 5 years of operation (from the official registration of the business entity at QKB to the date of publishing the Call for Proposals), are eligible to apply under LOT 3.
Q.57 Two different companies that have the same partner are allowed to apply for the same LOT, or is it a disqualifying criterion? Can the two different companies that apply have the same experts?
A.57 For an exhaustive list of disqualifying criteria, refer to Section 3.2 Non-eligible criteria of the Guidelines for Applicant.
Q.58 The document issued by the court and prosecution office, is required for the administrator of the start-up?
A.58 The document issued by the court and prosecution office is required for the administrator of the start-up.
Q.59 Can the co-financing be in kind?
A. 59 Yes, the co-financing can be in cash, in kind, or both.
Q.60 Are advertising in social media and domain purchases when these are done directly online or in foreign companies, considered as eligible costs?
A.60 According to the Guideline for Applicants, they are considered eligible costs, as long as they are directly linked with the implementation of the business proposal and are properly justified.
Q.61 If a startup has won in a previous call of the first phase of the Challenge Fund, is it allowed to apply to second phase of the Challenge Fund?
A.61 Yes, it is allowed to apply to the second phase of Challenge Fund.
Q.62 The documents from the court and the prosecution must be translated by an official translator, or not?
A.62 The documents from the court and the prosecution do not need to be translated and should be submitted in the Albanian language.
Q.63 The company has over 3 years of operation. We are implementing 2 projects for tourism. Can we apply for 2 grant projects or only 1?
A.63 One registered business entity having one NIPT can submit only one application under this Call for Proposals.
Q.64 Is it penalizing for the application if the founder of a startup is also a team member in another startup? So, an individual is in two applications but in different roles.
A.64 All applications will be evaluated taking into consideration the criteria mentioned in Section 3. Who can apply, of the Guideline for Applicants.
Q.65 Last Financial statements (Profit Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets). Certified copies by Tax Authority issued within one month from the application date. In this case do you need a stamp from the tax authority?
A.65 Yes, certified copies should be stamped from the tax authority.
Q.66 Are expenses incurred prior to the signature of the grant contract eligible to be financed?
A.66 All costs related with the business proposal should be incurred during the implementation period of the grant, as specified in section 4.3.3 “Eligible costs” of the Guideline for Applicants, after the signing of the grant contract.
Q.67 If you are a public administration employee, can you apply for a grant?
A.67 The Challenge Fund is open to start-ups created around innovative business concept. “Start-ups are individuals and natural or legal persons, which have been conceived, created and operate, up to 5 years, with the aim of starting the realization and development of a business model, product and innovative and/or special technological service, with rapid growth potential, for the significant improvement of business models, products and existing services.” For more information on the eligibility criteria, refer to Section 3. Who can apply, of the Guidelines for Applicants”.
Q.68 We registered last year, and we have not submitted a simplified income tax declaration yet. What will we submit? Monthly statements?
A.68 Yes, monthly statements may be submitted in this case.
Q.69 Is it a problem if I apply under LOT 2, while I register in QKB this week?
A.69 In order to be eligible to apply under LOT 2, the business should have been registered in QKB for not more than 12 months from the date of publication of this Call for Proposals, 17th November 2023.
Q.70 Should the equipment to be purchased be new?
A.70 As per Guideline for Applicants, Section 4.3.1 Examples of Eligible Activities, the purchase of used equipment from a legal entity is allowed.
Q.71 I am interested in applying for the first LOT 1 of the Challenge Fund, but my concern is related if this stage means creating the idea prototype or includes also the creation of the product itself. This clarification would help me further in understanding what specific elements, activities and financial and human resources are calculated in the first stage.
A.71 Lot 1: Idea and Validation stage start-ups, i.e. a founder or a team in the early stages of developing an innovative business idea (not registered in QKB). The proposal may include the creation of the prototype, and the creation of the product itself, or both. In all cases, the budget should meet the criteria of the call, as stated in Section 4. The grant, of the Guideline for Applicants.
Q.72 In page 13 of Guideline for Application documents, especially in these sections: x. Document issued by the Court certifying that the founder of the start-up has not been convicted, issued within one month from the application date; - scanned as PDF xi. Document issued by the Prosecution certifying that the founder of the start- up does not have any pending court cases, issued within one month from the application date; -scanned as PDF Could you please inform us, from the court, do you need civil or penal proof for the founder of the Start-up?
A.72 Document issued by the Court certifying that the founder of the start-up has not been convicted for penal cases.
Q.73 At the moment of delivery of the physical file with documentation for the project documents issued from Court and Prosecution can be copies, or should be only original ones, or can be copies but notarized?
A.73 Both documents should be submitted in the Challenge Fund online platform as scanned PDF files.
Q.74 Can we apply as a secondary vocational education institution under Lot 1 up to 10,000 euros, distributing it in 5-6 mini start-up projects that vocational high school students will undertake to realize in the agricultural sector?
A.74 Secondary vocational education institutions are not eligible to apply under the Challenge Fund. A founder or a team in the early stages of developing an innovative business idea (not registered in QKB), is eligible to apply under LOT 1. However, once the applicant is awarded under LOT 1, it is a requirement to be registered as a business entity (MSME), in one of the registration types listed in the application form, before signing of the grant contract.
Q.75 I have a NIPT opened on 05.06.2020, which Lot should I apply for?
A.75 you are eligible under Lot 3.
Lot 3: Scale-up stage start-ups – maximum 30 000 EUR (a registered business entity within the first 13 month and 5 years of operation from the official registration of the business entity at the QKB to the date of publishing of the Call for Proposals)
Q.76 Currently my NUIS (NIPT) is passive, should I apply for LOT 1 or use the current NUIS even though is not active at the moment and apply for LOT 3?
A.76 All registered business entities, regardless of the operating status, may apply under LOT 2 or LOT 3. Registration in QKB should be less than 5 years from the date of publication of this Call for Proposals. The 5-year period will be calculated from the date of registration in QKB, as stated in the registration act, to the date of publication of the Call for Proposals.
Registered business entities in QKB are not eligible to apply under LOT 1.
Q. 77 We would like to ask on how to proceed with our application regarding the Certificate of tax payment obligations (no debt), issued within one month from the application date (source:; - PDF. Unfortunately, by mistake, e-Albania system has not updated yet that we do not have any tax obligations and shows an incorrect fine which we appealed, and the appeal was accepted, leading to the annulment of the administrative act. Should we attach the decision on the annulment of the administrative act instead of the certificate of tax payment obligations?
A. 77 As outlined in the Guidelines for Applicants, section 6.1 “The Application Process” for LOT 2 and LOT 3, the applicants should submit the Certificate of Tax Payment Obligations (No Debt); any other alternative tax-related documents will not be considered.